Last year with its vagaries of sudden change, swift passage of time, and the roller coaster of exhilarating, sad, joyful, and sobering moments. The older I become, the faster the calendar pages flitter away. In hindsight, it was a significant factor in deciding to write a book. I wanted to leave a record, to get it down for future generations-seven to be exact. We are the answer to our ancestor’s prayers. We are hope made flesh.
Marriages, deaths, births, graduations, and retirements the threshold of life passages that inexplicably bring radical change. Every day in this country 10,000 baby boomers retire. This year our family will celebrate three weddings including my eldest sons in April. I received a shocker when I emailed an old high school friend I’d reconnected with and was kind to let me probe his memories for my debut novel. The email bounced back, so I looked on his Memorial Facebook page – he had passed away from a sudden heart attack. Losing him emphasized the importance of getting my book published to share it with all who had influenced, touched, and helped me become who I am today.
Then, there’s the little Christmas miracle – a Labradoodle puppy named Bo. To experience the world through his eyes, how fasts he learns and adapts. This life force is already changing the dynamics of our lives. It took two years to decide to get another dog after our beloved Aussie Shepherd/Lab mix Sophie died, we enjoyed her for 17 years. We felt our hearts would never mend until this little dog magically manifested.
2019 – a bright, shining new year. I anticipate it anxiously. My debut novel River of Love’s publishing birthday is September 24. I’m incredibly grateful to Leslie Browning at Homebound Publications for all her hard work and belief in a story about a brown girl growing up in the Colorado Rocky Mountains in the early 1970s. Cheers to chingona Leslie and to Brown Girl Magic.
Thank you, ancestors, thank you Universe. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and never quit.
We are hope made flesh…
#CoolDog, #Labradoodle # TimeChange