Pocha Princess
The GenesiS~ River of Love
Seven years ago, while visiting my hometown of Cañon City, Colorado, I got inspired to write about growing up there and also from listening to a Mexican American author interviewed on NPR. She talked about how being Chicana and living in two worlds switching from our Mexican culture to a white world. I called my published poet sister Juliana Aragón Fatula and invited her to come to Dillon Beach, California, for a writing workshop the following summer.
We spent two heavenly weeks at the beach writing, editing, and reading old notes we wrote to each other in junior high and high school. I wrote my first 50 pages of River of Love; she helped me push past my fear of writing.
We were "townies" that friended the preppies at a private, parochial school. We made friendships and memories that make us who we are. River of Love launches September 24, 2019, by Homebound Publications. Become immersed in a world of two brown girls growing up in the shadow of the 1960s.
River Of Love Writing WOrkshop
Growing Up in Cañon City, Colorado in the Shadow of the Sixties
River of Love is a supernatural love story about two fierce Indigenous Southern Colorado native girls growing up in a white Colorado town in the 1970s. It is a love letter to the Southern Rocky Mountains, to the Spirits, to a close-knit family, and even to youth itself.